Jai had a bad fall yesterday, he was pushing around his little mower, lost his footing on the edge of the carport and went down head/face first on the stone driveway! Poor little bugger, he has scabs everywhere and a shocker of a fat lip. Its just a big lump of blood/bruising on the inside. I kept a cold flannel on his forehead so he doesn't have much of an egg today.
And as if that wasn't enough, this morning I'm sitting on the couch watching telle while Cody was out the back playing. Suddenly I hear him screaming for me that he's stuck. I raced out there and he had his head wedged between the house and the brickwork, kinda hard to explain, but theres a gap there and he was trying to follow Paulie that had gone through the gap and under the house. I'm freaking out cause I couldn't get him out, he's screaming, I'm home alone... I pushed his head down towards the ground where it must have been wider and thank god I got him out! He just has a few marks on his ear cause there was a nail right beside his head! God, talk about up for mother of the year award this weekend, NOT!!!! lol Oh and there will be no more playing outside without supervision!
hi yeah it was a great night last night i got home at 3.15 am your poor baby he looks a bit sad still in the photo i think he needs lots of kisses for that one see you soon
kirsty xx
Oh how scary Wanda poor little Cody he was lucky. Jai looks a bit worse for wear too.
I'm sure your a great Mum, these things happen.
Hi Wanda,
Poor little blokes they have been through the wars. You are lucky that you got him out otherwise you may have had to get the fire brigade. Hope the boys are feeling better.
Deb xxx
I know lol! That's what was running through my head, and I was in my nightie with no face on so I tried my hardest to get him out!
makes for an interesting weekend though...boys ill be boys
Hi Wanda
I thought it was time to get into the blog scene and it was good to see you on Friday night. Didn't get much chance to chat with you, the place was buzzing. Looking forward to catching up with everyone again soon.
Luv Joyxxxxxx
Wow Wanda those boys of yours have certainly been in the wars lately.
You poor thing that must have been scary with Cody and Jai certainly did a good job on himself.
Leeanne x
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